Chili's Restaurants In Kapolei, Hawaii
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A Kapolei
590 Farrington Highway, Kapolei, HI 96707
Kapolei Get Directions Restaurant phone number (808) 693-8722Now Seating
Now Seating
B Waikele
94-797 Lumiaina St., Waipahu, Oahu, HI 96797
Waikele Get Directions Restaurant phone number (808) 677-7775Now Seating
Now Seating
C Mililani
95-1249 Meheula Pkwy., Mililani, HI 96789
Mililani Get Directions Restaurant phone number (808) 627-088820-30 Minutes
20-30 Minutes
D Kahala Mall
4211 Waialae Ave., Honolulu, HI 96816
Kahala Mall Get Directions Restaurant phone number (808) 738-5773Now Seating
Now Seating
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